Dictionnaire des philosophes français du 17e siècle: acteurs et réseaux du savoir

Dictionnaire des philosophes français du 17e siècle: acteurs et réseaux du savoir

Major Research Resources

The Dictionnaire des philosophes français du 17e siècle presents, in alphabetical order, the work of 690 authors of philosophical texts between 1601 and 1700. Understanding the seventeenth-century use of the term ‘philosophy’ in its broadest sense, this dictionary is an encyclopaedia of Early Modern thought encompassing intellectual traditions from scholastic philosophy to literature, poetry, politics, art and science. This Dictionary demonstrates the ways in which the lives and works of even minor writers can reveal hitherto unsuspected connections between currants of thought, theories of knowledge, and religious and political allegiances. The Dictionary is part of an international intellectual project to cover these themes on a country-by-country basis, from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. This innovative method of studying philosophy is unique in privileging relatively unknown authors. A considerably augmented version of the Dictionary of 17th-century French Philosophers (New York/London, 2008), the Dictionnaire des philosophes français du XVIIe siècle : acteurs et réseaux du savoir has enlarged the field of study, with 108 supplementary entries and 8 thematic introductions which, following the preface by Luc Foisneau, suggest other possible intellectual routes:

  • ‘The French Cartesians’ (Emmanuel Faye);
  • ‘Scholastic philosophies and theologies’ (Jacob Schmutz);
  • “Libertines” and free thinking’ (Isabelle Moreau);
  • ‘Clandestine thought’ (Gianni Paganini);
  • ‘The sciences’ (Philippe Hamou);
  • ‘Theories of Art’ (Carole Talon-Hugon);
  • ‘Religious controversies and the birth of the Republic of letters (Antony McKenna) ; – ‘Philosophical places, sociabilities and practices’ (Stéphane Van Damme).

The French version further provides a historical index of more than 300 pages, providing biographical and bibliographical information. These entries are an especially useful research aid.

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