Monthly Archives: June 2014

Intellectual Hinterlands: Final Programme Now Available

Intellectual Hinterlands: Final Programme Now Available The final programme for Intellectual Hinterlands is now available to download. Please note that it is no longer possible to request changes. Abstracts are also now available to view or download on the Intellectual Hinterlands Abstracts page. Each title links to a PDF which includes the presenter’s name, title and abstract, as well as an e-mail address […]

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CFP: Literature and Media Theory

CFP: Literature and Media Theory: Mediality – Materiality – Cultural Techniques 19-21 March 2015, Göttingen While the relation between literature and other media has been investigated in a number of critical studies, this conference aims at discussing literature as a medium in its own right. The theoretical foundations allowing such a conception of literature go back […]

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CFP: Early Modern Scholarship and Science. A Multidisciplinary Approach

CFP: Early Modern Scholarship and Science. A Multidisciplinary Approach (ed. Vittoria Feola) Publisher and Series: Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History We are delighted to announce our call for papers for publication of a book including 20 re-worked papers from Scientiae 2014 to be edited by Vittoria Feola. Given the multidisciplinary nature of Scientiae, submission of abstracts is encouraged on the history of […]

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Intellectual Hinterlands: Penultimate Programme and Abstracts Now Available

Intellectual Hinterlands: Penultimate Programme and Abstracts The penultimate programme for Intellectual Hinterlands is now available to download. Please note that the final programme will be available in a week’s time, and will include only minor adjustments. Abstracts are also now available to view or download on the Intellectual Hinterlands Abstracts page. Each title links to a PDF which includes the presenter’s […]

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CFP: IIº Congreso de Historia Intelectual de América Latina

CFP: IIº Congreso de Historia Intelectual de América Latina 12-14 November 2014, Buenos Aires “La biografía colectiva en la historia intellectual latinoamericana”. Presentación de los trabajos. En el encabezamiento de los resúmenes y ponencias deberá constar: Autor/es; Título; Eje temático específico sugerido entre los propuestos; Pertenencia institucional; correo electrónico. Resúmenes: tendrán una extensión de entre 400 y 500 […]

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CFA: Individuality, Individuation, Subjectivity in Early Modern Philosophy

CFA: Individuality, Individuation, Subjectivity in Early Modern Philosophy (Society and Politics) Submissions due: 30 November 2014 The Spring Issue of Society and Politics for 2015 will host contributions on the themes of subjectivity, individuality, and individuation in the history of early modern philosophy and science (1550-1750). Papers suitable for publication can cover all the fields […]

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CFP: Methodology in Question 2014

CFP: Methodology in Question 2014 – International PhD Conference in the History of Science and Ideas 22-23 November 2014, Stockholm University While issues of theory and method are central to the practice of writing history, such questions are often discussed in isolation from empirical thesis work. This conference provides an opportunity to address methodological problems […]

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CFP: ‘Light’: Kaleidoscope, the journal of the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) at Durham University

CFP: ‘Light’: Kaleidoscope, the journal of the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) at Durham University Submission Deadline: 29 June 2014 Kaleidoscope, the journal of the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) at Durham University, is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal edited by postgraduate researchers. This publication is specifically aimed at postgraduate students and early-career academics and encourages international […]

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CFP: David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies XV

Updated CFP: David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies XV 10-13 December 2014, The University of Sydney The Sydney Intellectual History Network and ‘Putting Periodisation to Use’ Research Group at the University of Sydney invite you to the Fifteenth David Nichol Smith Seminar (DNS), with the theme ‘Ideas and Enlightenment’. Inaugurated and supported by the […]

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The Renaissance as a Metaphor: European, American and Japanese Historiography before and after WWII

The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy presents a lecture by: Francesco Campagnola (Ghent University): The Renaissance as a Metaphor: European, American and Japanese Historiography before and after WWII 18:00-20:00, June 20 2014 (Collaboration Room 4, Building 18, University of Tokyo, Komaba) Commentators: Ayako Ikeno (JSPS) and Genta Okamoto (Okayama University) Moderator: Futoshi Hoshino (University of […]

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