Category Archives: Prizes

2022 Charles Schmitt Prize Winner

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the Charles Schmitt prize for 2022 is Felix Schlichter of the University of Cambridge, for his essay ‘Flavius Josephus and Early Modern Biblical Chronology’. The winning essay will be published in Intellectual History Review. The quality of top submissions was particularly high this year. So the […]

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Charles Schmitt Prize 2022

As the result of generous donations from an anonymous donor and our publisher, the International Society for Intellectual History is offering, on an annual basis, a prize to honour the contribution of Charles B. Schmitt (1933-1986) to intellectual history. The prize is £250, plus £100 worth of books, and a year’s free membership of the […]

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Winner Announcement for the British Journal for the History of Philosophy Awards Best Article Prize

The British Journal for the History of Philosophy has awarded the 2020 Rogers Prize—its annual prize for the best article it publishes—to Khaled El-Rouayheb (Harvard) for his paper ‘The liar paradox in fifteenth-century Shiraz: the exchange between Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Dashtakī and Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dawānī’ (volume 28, issue 2). This Prize, awarded for the first time in 2012, was established in honour […]

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Charles Schmitt Prize 2020

The deadline for the Charles Schmitt Prize 2020, which accepts submissions in any area of intellectual history from PhD students and ECRs (two years post-PhD), is 31 January 2021. The paper should be forwarded as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format to and The e-mail itself should state that the paper is being entered for the […]

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Charles Schmitt Prize 2020

As the result of generous donations from an anonymous donor and our publisher (Routledge), the International Society for Intellectual History is offering, on an annual basis, a prize to honour the contribution of Charles B. Schmitt (1933-1986) to intellectual history. The prize is £250, plus £100 worth of Routledge books, and a year’s free membership of the ISIH with a subscription to the Society’s […]

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2019 Charles Schmitt Prize Winner

2019 Charles Schmitt Prize Winner We are delighted to announce that the winner of the Charles Schmitt prize for 2019 is Jon Cooper of Stanford University, for his essay, ‘A Science of Concord: The Politics of Commercial Knowledge in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Britain’. The winning essay was recently published in Intellectual History Review. The quality of top […]

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Prize: Inaugural Germana Ernst International Prize for Campanella Studies 2018-2019

Inaugural Germana Ernst International Prize for Campanella Studies 2018-2019 Submissions due: 15 June 2019 On the second anniversary of Germana Ernst’s passing, her relatives together with the editor and collaborators of the international journal ‘Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche filosofiche e materiali storico-testuali’ are launching an award in her memory. Ernst was a scholar of Campanella’s […]

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Hobbes Studies 2018 Essay Competition

Hobbes Studies 2018 Essay Competition Submissions Deadline: 30 May 2018 Hobbes Studies is pleased to invite submissions to the 2018 Hobbes Studies Essay Competition. Submissions should treat the philosophical, political, historical, literary, religious, or scientific aspects of the thought of Thomas Hobbes and be no more than 10,000 words. Essays are invited from researchers in […]

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2018 Charles Schmitt Prize Winner

2018 Charles Schmitt Prize Winner The winner of the 2018 Charles Schmitt Prize is Xiaona Wang, who is a final year PhD student in the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh. Her essay is entitled:  ‘By Analogy to the Element of the Stars: The Divine In Jean Fernel’s and […]

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Charles Schmitt Prize 2018

As the result of generous donations from an anonymous donor and our publisher (Routledge), the International Society for Intellectual History is offering, on an annual basis, a prize to honour the contribution of Charles B. Schmitt (1933-1986) to intellectual history. The prize is £250, plus £100 worth of Routledge books, and a year’s free membership of the ISIH with […]

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