Monthly Archives: December 2013

Last Reminder: Intellectual Hinterlands

Last Reminder: the call for papers deadline for the 2014 conference of the International Society for Intellectual History, Intellectual Hinterlands (25-27 June 2014, Victoria College, University of Toronto) is fast approaching. Remember to submit your paper and panel abstracts by 10 January 2014. Over the past few decades, intellectual history has undergone significant changes as it has adapted to […]

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CFP: Du Bois and Political Theory

Call for Essay Proposals: Du Bois and Political Theory 1 January 2014 To be considered for a planned Du Bois volume, edited by Nick Bromell, in the University of Kentucky Press’s “Political Companion to” series. Contributors include Eddie Glaude, Lewis Gordon, Jonathon Kahn, Charles Mills, and Tracy Strong. Please send a 300-word proposal and brief statement […]

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CFP: Erasmian Science

CFP: Erasmian Science: The influence on Early-Modern science of Erasmus of Rotterdam and his legacy Call for papers for a special issue of the “Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas” in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – MPIWG, Berlin. The special issue of the Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas […]

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CFP: The Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought

Call for Submissions: The Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought The Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought, an online peer-reviewed graduate journal, is pleased to announce that it is now accepting submissions for its third issue. We invite contributions from all graduate students currently working in the fields of intellectual history and the history […]

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Intellectual journeys: translation of ideas in Enlightenment England, France & Ireland

New Research Resource: Intellectual journeys: translation of ideas in Enlightenment England, France & Ireland Edited by Lise Andries, Frédéric Ogée, John Dunkley and Darach Sanfey The exchange of ideas between nations during the Enlightenment was greatly facilitated by cultural ventures, commercial enterprise and scientific collaboration. Focussing on contact between England, France and Ireland, a team of […]

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CFP: 2014 London Graduate Conference in the History of Political Thought

Conceptualising Change in the History of Political Thought 2-3 June 2014, Senate House, University of London Keynotes: Prof. Jennifer Pitts (Chicago) and Prof. Jill Kraye (Warburg Institute) The idea of change lies at the heart of both politics and history. But how has ‘change’ been understood, and approached, by those thinking about politics? This conference will consider […]

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CFP: HistoryLab Annual Conference 2014

CFP: HistoryLab Annual Conference 2014 – “Innovation” 11-12 June 2014, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London To celebrate the re-opening of the IHR the theme of the HistoryLab Annual Conference is Innovation. 11-12 June 2014, Senate House, London The conference seeks to discuss and exchange ideas regarding innovation and correspondingly the lack of innovation, […]

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CFP: Cambridge Graduate Conference in Political Thought & Intellectual History

Cambridge Graduate Conference in Political Thought & Intellectual History 17-18 April 2014, University of Cambridge Paper proposals are invited for the 7th Cambridge Graduate Conference in Political Thought and Intellectual History, to be held 17-18 April 2014 at St. John’s College, Cambridge. This year’s theme is ‘Frontiers in Political Thought: Non-Western, International and Global’. The […]

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General Scholium Symposium Videos Available

General Scholium Symposium Talk Videos Available Online The first ever academic conference devoted to Newton’s General Scholium to the Principia was held at the University of King’s College, 24-26 October 2013, to coincide with the tercentenary of its first publication. All of the talks during the three-day symposium were video-taped professionally in high definition format complete with […]

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Reminder: Intellectual Hinterlands CFP Deadline

Reminder: the call for papers deadline for the 2014 conference of the International Society for Intellectual History, Intellectual Hinterlands (25-27 June 2014, Victoria College, University of Toronto) is fast approaching. Remember to submit your paper and panel abstracts by 10 January 2014. Over the past few decades, intellectual history has undergone significant changes as it has adapted […]

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