Monthly Archives: January 2022

CFP: Community and Conflict in Intellectual History

The existence of communities and the threat of conflict have been central features of thought since humanity began reflecting on the forms of its organisation. How can you maintain a community divided by conflict? Does humanity naturally tend towards harmony? Is conflict necessary for societies to flourish? While these sorts of questions are legion, this […]

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All Souls College Seminar in Early Modern Intellectual History

Conveners: Dmitri Levitin and Noel Malcolm As always, this year’s iteration of the Seminar in Early Modern Intellectual History will consist of papers on a wide range of subjects: philosophy, science, scholarship, religion, politics, and the social setting of early modern intellectual life. Due to the continued difficulties posed by the pandemic, at least one […]

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New Book: The State of Nature: Histories of an Idea (2022)

Brill is pleased to announce the publication of a new volume in their series History of European Political and Constitutional Thought, edited by Erica Benner, László Kontler, and Mark Somos. The State of Nature: Histories of an Idea (2022) is edited by Mark Somos and Anne Peters. Combining intellectual history with current concerns, this volume […]

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New series by Durham University IMEMS Press: Ideas and Practices, 1300–1850

Ideas and Practices, 1300–1850 is a book series focusing on the era in which long-familiar ways of thinking about politics, religion, society and the natural world transformed fundamentally. The series offers a venue for scholars to publish ambitious works in intellectual history which explain –– or question –– that transformation, sometimes characterised as ‘the crisis of […]

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Charles Schmitt Prize 2022

As the result of generous donations from an anonymous donor and our publisher, the International Society for Intellectual History is offering, on an annual basis, a prize to honour the contribution of Charles B. Schmitt (1933-1986) to intellectual history. The prize is £250, plus £100 worth of books, and a year’s free membership of the […]

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