Category Archives: Research Resource

Institute of Intellectual History, St Andrews

The Institute of Intellectual History at the University of St Andrews has recently launched several new online initiatives in light of the fact that their normal series of conferences and seminars remains suspended due to the ongoing pandemic. Their announcement is as follows: Intellectual History in a Thousand Manuscripts Teaching Intellectual History Talking Intellectual History […]

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Hume Scholar Facebook and Twitter Pages

Resource: Hume Scholar Facebook and Twitter Pages Hume Scholar is a Facebook and Twitter page dedicated to research about David Hume, the Scottish Enlightenment and related themes. It publicises information about new papers and books, call for abstracts and papers, book reviews, etc. We invite scholars and students to share with Hume Scholar all news and […]

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A Database of Italian Academies, 1525-1700

A Database of Italian Academies, 1525-1700 Research Resources The British Library holds some of the finest collections outside Italy of publications produced by Italian Academies and their members. Much of this material is catalogued in ways which have not permitted easy access by scholars working on a particular Academy or on Academies in general. The […]

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European Hobbes Society Website

European Hobbes Society Website The European Hobbes Society would like to announce the launching of its website: The Society is currently offering free registration for the site via the ‘Members’ tab. The European Hobbes Society is an international and interdisciplinary research network, which aims to promote scholarship on the thought of Thomas Hobbes by providing a platform for […]

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Dictionnaire des philosophes français du 17e siècle: acteurs et réseaux du savoir

Dictionnaire des philosophes français du 17e siècle: acteurs et réseaux du savoir Major Research Resources The Dictionnaire des philosophes français du 17e siècle presents, in alphabetical order, the work of 690 authors of philosophical texts between 1601 and 1700. Understanding the seventeenth-century use of the term ‘philosophy’ in its broadest sense, this dictionary is an […]

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International Society for Historians of Atheism, Secularism, and Humanism

International Society for Historians of Atheism, Secularism, and Humanism Announcing the launch of the International Society for Historians of Atheism, Secularism, and Humanism. The society aims to provide a forum for academics working on any historical aspect of atheism, secularism, or humanism, broadly defined. This society will provide the growing number of scholars in this […]

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Warburg Digital Collections

Warburg Digital Collections The purpose of  the Warburg Institute‘s digital collections is to make out-of-print source material on Medieval and Renaissance studies freely available online through the Warburg Library catalogue and classification system. Books are either scanned by the Institute or downloaded as pdf files from public domain repositories and made available through the Library catalogue. The […]

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The Italian Academies Database

The Italian Academies Database Research Resource Please visit the Italian Academies Database Facebook page for links, pictures, information about the project, past and future events, podcasts, people, videos, comments, and suggestions. For information about all Italian Academies, please visit our Facebook Group. For more information about the Italian Academies Database at the British Library, please […]

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The Radio Preservation Task Force of the Library of Congress

The Radio Preservation Task Force of the Library of Congress Announcing the Radio Preservation Task Force, a new Library of Congress project. The RPTF is organized to encourage the preservation, research, and pedagogical application of the intellectual and aesthetic history of technology. Growing out of the National Recording Preservation Plan (NRPP) of the National Recording […]

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How Universities Can Help Create a Wiser World

New Book: How Universities Can Help Create a Wiser World: The Urgent Need for an Academic Revolution Nicholas Maxwell A book that I have recently published may be of interest to members of the intellectual history community. It is called How Universities Can Help Create a Wiser World: The Urgent Need for an Academic Revolution […]

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