ECR Workshops

New Work in Intellectual History: A Project Development Workshop Series

Testing the viability of future projects and fleshing out their substantive details is an essential part of drafting new proposals. Yet owing to the pressures of the job market as well as demands of various ongoing commitments, early career scholars rarely come by opportunities outside their supervisory teams or small circles of usually already familiar colleagues to rigorously discuss or receive more extensive criticism on their plans for future research, let alone to speak or defend their ideas publicly before presenting them at job interviews or similar settings.

This series of events is therefore designed to offer platforms for scholars working in intellectual history to discuss and develop proposals for new projects and funding applications. The line-up of speakers includes late-stage PhD candidates, post-docs, and early-career lecturers on fixed-term contracts, many of whom are currently on the job market. Scholars at all career stages are welcome, and indeed encouraged, to attend and participate in discussion.

Each speaker is allocated 30 minutes, of which no more than 10 minutes should be dedicated to outlining their project proposals, leaving plenty of time for questions and discussion. Project abstracts will be made available to registered participants, speakers, and attendees alike; registration is required in order to gain access to abstracts and meeting links.

The workshops will be held over four sessions, on 26 August, 2 September, 9 September, and 16 September.

Any questions should be directed to Dr. Shiru Lim at


The programme for New Work in Intellectual History is now available to view.


Registration for New Work in Intellectual History is now open and can be accessed here.

New Work in Intellectual History is one in a series of three events sponsored by the ISIH that have been designed by ECRs, for ECRs. These events include the 2021 ISIH conference, Coerced Labour in the Early Modern World (1500-1800): Definitions, Justifications and Resistances, and the seminar series Women in Intellectual History.

The organisers for these three events are Elias Buchetmann, Shiru Lim, and Giovanni Lista.