CFP: Enacting the People: Political Representation and Democratic Legitimacy

CFP: Enacting the People: Political Representation and Democratic Legitimacy

29 September 2015, University of York

The conference aims to explore the genealogy of the concept of representation as well as cutting-edge work of conceptual clarification and conceptual innovation confronting the question of what political representation is and/or what it can do, and how. Given the prominence of the idea of representation in democratic theory and democratic practice, the conference aims to revisit fundamental and vexed problems concerning the relation of representation to democracy.

We are very pleased to announce that Professor Andrew Rehfeld (Washington University in St Louis) has kindly agreed to give a talk entitled “On Representing” that will open the academic year at the department and close the conference.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 31 July 2015.

For more information, please visit the conference website.


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