President’s Report 2020

Prof. Sarah Hutton, President of the ISIH

This report is being circulated to members of the International Society for Intellectual History in lieu of the ISIH annual general meeting, in accordance with provisions in the ISIH constitution.

The first item to report is that I have assumed the presidency of the society, after Michael Hunter stepped down earlier than originally planned. Michael has been a hard-working and dedicated chair, since assuming the role in 2014. ISIH is deeply grateful for his work, and we look forward to his continuing association with the Society as a member of the Advisory Board.

Secondly, this year’s ISIH conference, which was due to be held in Florence, had to be cancelled because of the global pandemic. I would like to set on record our thanks to the organiser, Ann Thomson, and her team at the European University Institute, for all their organisational work prior to cancellation. We had hoped that the conference might be postponed until next year, but sadly this has not proved possible.

I am, however, glad to report that we are making plans for the 2021 conference, which will be held in Venice in September 2-4 at Ca’Foscari University. The theme of the conference will be “Histories of Knowledge: Political, Historical and Cultural Epistemologies in Intellectual History”. It will be organised by Charles Wolfe and Pietro Omodeo. Further information about this will be posted on ISIH website.

Please click on the below link to download the full Report.

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Charles Schmitt Prize 2020

As the result of generous donations from an anonymous donor and our publisher (Routledge), the International Society for Intellectual History is offering, on an annual basis, a prize to honour the contribution of Charles B. Schmitt (1933-1986) to intellectual history.

The prize is £250, plus £100 worth of Routledge books, and a year’s free membership of the ISIH with a subscription to the Society’s quarterly journal Intellectual History Review. The paper awarded the prize will also be published in Intellectual History Review.

Submissions will be accepted in any area of intellectual history, broadly construed, 1500 to the present, including the historiography of intellectual history. Because it is a condition of the award that the paper awarded the prize will be published by IHR, submissions should not have been accepted for publication elsewhere, or exceed 9,000 words (including footnotes). Eligibility is restricted to doctoral students and those who have submitted their PhD within two years of the closing date for the prize.

The paper should be forwarded as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format to and The e-mail itself should state that the paper is being entered for the prize, and should confirm eligibility at the time of submission, as well as availability of the paper for publication.

The closing date for the prize is 31 January 2021, and an announcement of the winner will be made by late April 2021.

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CFP: ‘Recovering Moderation’ – Special issue of The European Legacy

Submissions Due: 30 September 2021

The last two decades have witnessed increasing political fragmentation and polarization that have challenged the principles of an open society in the West. Amidst concerns about political extremism, religious fanaticism, populist challenges to democracy, and, arguably, the crisis of liberalism in Europe and North America, moderation has, in some quarters, been invoked as a panacea for overcoming polarisation through a politics of compassion and compromise. At the same time, in other quarters, moderates have been charged with indecision and indifference, while their alleged pragmatism has been equated with a cowardly defence of the status quo.

We are looking for papers that examine moderation as a social practice, as an intellectual sensibility, as well as a political way of life, and hope to illuminate the moral, epistemological and cultural complex which underpins contemporary views of moderation in the West.

We invite submissions from scholars working in disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. Submissions could address various aspects of moderation, including but not limited to:

– The history of moderation in European history from 1500s to the present

– The relationship between religion and moderation

– The relationship between moderation and democracy

– The limits and critics of moderation

– Moderation and the rise of political ideologies (liberalism, conservatism, social-democracy, etc.)


Length: 8,000-10,000 words (including endnotes and bibliography)

Manuscripts, typed double-spaced, should be submitted to the three Guest Editors as e-mail attachments (with “For special issue on moderation” in the subject line). The author’s full address should be supplied in the e-mail message. Each submission should have an abstract and a list of key words. Authors may wish to submit an abstract for their paper to the editors in the first instance, or to discuss their prospective submission with the editors beforehand.

We look forward to your submissions!

Nicholas Mithen (Department of History, University of Newcastle, UK),

Aurelian Craiutu (Department of Political Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA),

Alexander Smith (Department of Sociology, University of Warwick, UK),

For further information click here.

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Institute of Intellectual History, St Andrews

The Institute of Intellectual History at the University of St Andrews has recently launched several new online initiatives in light of the fact that their normal series of conferences and seminars remains suspended due to the ongoing pandemic. Their announcement is as follows:

Intellectual History in a Thousand Manuscripts

Teaching Intellectual History

Talking Intellectual History

Remembering Intellectual Historians

Past meets Present

Scottish Philosophy Podcasts

New work in Intellectual History

We are continually adding to our online collections of the papers of intellectual historians and to our lecture podcasts:

MLitt in IntellectualHistory

To apply to the MLitt in Intellectual History please contact Richard Whatmore: or visit

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Arendt Studies on JSTOR

We are happy to share the news that Arendt Studies is included in JSTOR’s new ‘Lives of Literature’ collection and now available on both JSTOR and the Philosophy Documentation Center website:

As always, we welcome manuscript submissions and pitches for book reviews and review essays. Please see below for further info:

Happy reading!

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CFP: Modern Revolutions and the Idea of Europe

12th Annual Conference of the Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe 

Athens 9 – 12 September 2021 

Call for Papers 

Revolutions and rebellions have been a constant feature of the history of the modern age. Examples abound from the “Glorious” and the “Industrial” to the French and the American Revolutions; from the Haitian to the Greek Revolution and the Revolutions of 1848; from the Russian Revolution to the Mexican, the Chinese and the Iranian Revolution; from the anti-colonial uprisings of the twentieth century to the “velvet”, “rose” and “orange” revolutions of the twenty-first century. As moments of rupture and radical change, revolutions accelerate historical time, challenge existing hierarchies and mark the advent of new social, political and cultural formations and constellations; they unite and divide. Revolutions also constitute critical processes for the reconfiguration of conceptions of Europe. Ideas about Europe can be discovered at the intersection of political discourses, structures of power, geopolitical perspectives and identity projects. The history of modern revolutions offers a prime opportunity to re-examine and re-think European historical realities and recover the making of ideas about Europe in the modern age; revolutions have been central to discussions about Europe’s pasts and futures, and have shaped the continent’s political and cultural heritage.  

The conference focuses on modern revolutions as social, political, cultural and intellectual events, and as transformative processes. It turns a critical eye on the conceptualization of the term “revolution”. It investigates the evolving ideas, perceptions and images about Europe in the context of revolutionary politics. It explores how modern revolutions have affected discourses about Europe.  

The conference organizers invite papers that shed new light on visions and ideas of Europe addressing, but not limited to, the following topics : 

  • Revolutionary ideas, connections and networks across national, imperial and international borders 
  • The concept of “revolution”, “rebellion” and its uses  
  • Circulation, transfer and appropriation of revolutionary projects and the dynamics of socio-political change in Europe, and beyond 
  • The history of European revolutionary and counter-revolutionary thought in a transnational and global perspective  
  • Revolutionary languages and rhetoric, and visions of Europe 
  • Revolutionaries, intellectuals, exiles, men and women at the crossroads of European and non-European Revolutions 
  • Revolutions and the making of European and International Orders 
  • Revolutions as a core feature of European identity  
  • Revolutions and European states of emergency  
  • Anticolonial and postcolonial thought, revolutionary visions and perceptions of Europe from across the globe  

The themes listed above are examples and by no means limited to the exclusion of others.  

On the occasion of the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution of 1821, the conference will also host a special roundtable on the Greek Revolution and the Idea of Europe. 

Confirmed keynote speakers include Professors Annelien De Dijn (Utrecht University) and Balázs Trencsényi (Central European University  

If you would like to present a paper (15 minutes) or organize a panel (3/4 speakers), please send a 300-word abstract (in case of a panel, this should be per paper) with a title and a short biography by 28 February 2021 to Please note that the working language of the conference is English.  

The conference has no registration fees. We aim to provide accommodation for up to 3 nights to a limited number of participants who cannot benefit from the financial support from their institution. Interested applicants should state this clearly in their paper proposals.  

In the event of the imposition of COVID-related restrictions alternative arrangements will be explored 


University of the Peloponnese, École Française d’Athènes (EFA), Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie/Centrum Modernes Griechenland (CeMoG), Freie Universität Berlin, Hellenic Open University (Public History MA program), Institute for the Study of Ideas of Europe (ISIE), University of East Anglia.  

Conference Scientific Committee 

Tassos Anastassiadis (EFA/McGill University), Matthew D’ Auria (University of East Anglia), Fernanda Gallo (Cambridge University), Efi Gazi (University of the Peloponnese), Georgios Giannakopoulos (Academy of Athens Postdoc/King’s College London), Kate Papari (University of the Peloponnese, Freie Universität, Hellenic Open University Press), Miltos Pechlivanos (Freie Universitӓt), Peter Pichler (Karl-Franzens University Graz), Jan Vermeiren (University of East Anglia). 

Local Organizing Committee 

Efi Gazi, Georgios Giannakopoulos, Kostis Gotsinas, Kate Papari  

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VivaMente Conference in the History of Ideas 2020

The Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR) is proud to present the “VivaMente Conference 2020” animated programme. The theme for this year is ‘Medicine in the Philosophy of Descartes’. Join in person or online* on the 19-20 November!

CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF MEDICINE AND THE BODY IN THE RENAISSANCE Institutio  Santoriana - Fondazione Comel (Pisa) | Centre for the Study of Medicine and  the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR) -

The animated conference programme is available here.

For a PDF of the conference programme, click here.

*Remote access to the conference will be granted upon request and is subject to the payment of a small fee.

For further information visit: csmbr.fondazionecomel.pisa
or reach out to

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Thomas Ahnert appointed editor of Intellectual History Review

Thomas Ahnert

We are delighted to announce that Thomas Ahnert has been appointed editor of Intellectual History Review, in place of Stephen Clucas, who was one of the founding editors of the journal. 

Sarah Hutton, President of the ISIH, says, “On behalf of ISIH I would like to thank Stephen for his work on the journal. He has played a key role in helping to establish the journal after its launch in 2007 and in developing it to become a leader in the field.”

Thomas Ahnert is Professor of Intellectual History at the University of Edinburgh. He has published mainly on German and British, in particular Scottish, intellectual history from the seventeenth to the early nineteenth century. His first monograph was a study of the jurist and philosopher Christian Thomasius, Religion and the Origins of the German Enlightenment. Faith and the Reform of Learning in the Thought of Christian Thomasius (2006). This was followed in 2014 by a book on The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment, 1690 – 1805.

With the late Susan Manning he co-edited a volume of essays on Character, Self and Sociability in the Scottish Enlightenment (2011), which was a product of a collaborative research project, directed by Susan Manning and Nicholas Phillipson, on the Science of Man in the Scottish Enlightenment. He has also translated and edited several seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century texts on natural law, including Thomasius’s Institutes of Divine Jurisprudence, with Selections from Foundations of the Law of Nature and Nations (2011).

His current projects are a study of Newtonianism in the German lands from the late seventeenth to the early nineteenth century, and a new history of the Scottish Enlightenment.

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Studi Lockiani CFP

Call for papers: “Occasionalism: Locke and His Contemporaries”

Studi Lockiani. Ricerche sull’età moderna. Volume 2, 2021.
Submission deadline: March 31, 2021.

The volume On occasionalism: Locke and His Contemporaries aims to present an innovative, interdisciplinary, and rigorous philosophical analysis of occasionalism in the Western philosophical tradition, in the early modern period and in John Locke’s time. Philosophers have wondered about the nature of causality since antiquity, but this volume intends to focus on the occasionalism of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, namely various forms of occasionalism and writers who have encountered the themes of occasionalism in their reflections and whose thoughts are intertwined with Locke’s works.

Studi Lockiani. Ricerche sull’età moderna invites interested scholars to contribute. In line with the spirit of the Journal, contributions are expected to provide a historical and theoretical analysis of the topic from different perspectives in order to shed new light on this major philosophical theme.

Papers should be submitted by 31 March 2021.  Articles can be written in English, Italian, or French.

For more information, please see the complete call:

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Sarah Hutton elected as President of the ISIH

The International Society for Intellectual History (ISIH) is delighted to announce the appointment of Sarah Hutton as its next President. She takes up the office as successor to Professor Michael Hunter, who served as President of the ISIH since October 2014. 

Sarah Hutton is Honorary Visiting Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of York, and Professor Emeritus of Aberystwyth University. She studied at New Hall, Cambridge, and the Warburg Institute, University of London. The main focus of her research is in early modern intellectual history, where her interests extend from history of philosophy, to the history of science, the history of medicine, and seventeenth-century literature. She has long been interested in the Cambridge Platonists and has pioneered research on women in early modern philosophy and science. 

Her principal publications are British Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century (OUP, 2015) and Anne Conway, a Woman Philosopher (CUP, 2004). Other publications include Women, Science and Medicine (with Lynette Hunter), Newton and Newtonianism (with James Force) (Kluwer, 2004), Studies on Locke (with Paul Schuurman) (Springer, 2008). She has also edited early modern texts: Richard Ward’s Life of Henry More (Kluwer, 2000), Ralph Cudworth, A Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality (CUP 1996), and The Conway Letters, a revised edition of Marjorie Nicolson’s 1930 original (OUP, 1992). 

She is a founding member of the editorial boards of The British Journal of the History of Philosophy and Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. She has served on the board of management of The Journal of the History of Philosophy and is advisor to such projects as Project Vox and New Narratives in the History of Philosophy. She was for 25 years director of International Archives of the History of Ideas.

Sarah Hutton says: “I am delighted to have been invited to be the President of ISIH. Having been associated with ISIH since its inception I have witnessed its development into the major international forum for Intellectual History that it is today. I look forward to building on the legacy of Constance Blackwell to emphasise the commitment of ISIH to the international and interdisciplinary pursuit of Intellectual History.”

The ISIH would like to extend our sincerest thanks to Professor Hunter for his distinguished service as President. The Society has flourished under Professor Hunter’s direction and we are very grateful that he has kindly agreed to continue to serve the ISIH on the Advisory Board.

For more on the Executive Committee, click here.

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