Publication of 2019 Charles Schmitt Prize Essays

The winning and runner-up essays for the 2019 Charles Schmitt Prize have now all been published in Intellectual History Review! Check out the four new exciting essays at the links below.

The winning essay by Jon Cooper is ‘A science of concord: the politics of commercial knowledge in mid-eighteenth-century Britain‘.

In 2019 we had three runner-ups. One is Hugo Bonin’s ‘Between panacea and poison: “democracy” in British socialist thought, 1881–1891‘.

Another runner-up is Paige Donaghy’s ‘Wind eggs and false conceptions: thinking with formless births in seventeenth-century European natural philosophy‘.

Another runner-up is Michelle Pfeffer’s ‘Paganism, natural reason, and immortality: Charles Blount and John Toland’s histories of the soul‘.

Submissions for the 2020 Charles Schmitt Prize are now closed, but be sure to apply next year!

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Call for Proposals: Brill Series in History of European Political and Constitutional Thought

Series Editors: Erica Benner, László Kontler,
and Mark Somos

This series promotes the study of European traditions of political and constitutional thought from classical antiquity to the twentieth century. The series brings to its geographical, historical and thematic focus the full range of methods established in the field, from contributions on the conventional canon to comparative, transnational, global and critical approaches, while also aiming to foster new methodologies.

The editors welcome proposals for monographs, edited collections, and newly edited primary sources. The manuscript should be 80,000 – 180,000 words in length, including footnotes and bibliography. If your work is an exception to this, it is possible to discuss alternative solutions. The publisher accommodates a generous number of illustrations both in black and white and in colour.

For more information, click here.

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CFP for the Fall 2021 issue of Disegno: Moholy-Nagy in Motion: Re-designing an Intellectual and Cultural Legacy

On the occasion of the anniversary of his birth, the next issue of Disegno will be dedicated to the critical re-interpretation of the legacy of László Moholy-Nagy and the memory of Victor Margolin, a member of Disegno’s editorial board. The goal is to provide options for understanding the relevance of Moholy-Nagy’s ideas and activities as a designer, artist, and design educator within a contemporary design cultural context. However, this issue also aims to assess his legacy in the widest sense, welcoming papers on design culture that do not closely investigate his contribution but analyse processes, practices, discourses, products, services in the spirit of his philosophy.

The editors wish to emphasize the importance and relevance of Moholy-Nagy’s cinematic work and suggest a critical analysis of his films from at least three perspectives: the role of projection and the notion of Lichtraum within his art theory, the aesthetic value of his films in the context of experimental film and expanded cinema, and the political aspect of his filmmaking and his links to leftist film movements.

We suggest the following topics, but welcome submissions about any relevant theme:

– design: a tool for criticising capitalism then and now

– design history / intellectual history of the oeuvre of Moholy-Nagy

– critical assessment of Moholy-Nagy’s concepts and approaches

– what does “design for life” mean today?

– socially engaged design in relation to the legacy

– Moholy-Nagy as design educator – education in his vein today

– criticism of current trends of social design in the light of Moholy-Nagy’s thoughts

– Victor Margolin’s approach to Moholy-Nagy

The deadline for abstract submissions is 10 March 2021, an answer about acceptance will be provided in early spring, and final manuscripts are to be submitted in mid-May 2021.

For further information including the full submission details please see:

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Cambridge Political Thought and Intellectual History Graduate Conference – ‘Education and Educators in Political Thought’

The Cambridge Political Thought and Intellectual History Graduate Conference on ‘Education and Educators in Political Thought’ will be held via Zoom on 31 March 2021.

Panels on:

– Education and Aristotelian Ethics

– Judgement, Virtue, and Education in Early Modern Intellectual History

– Self-Fashioned Ties: From the Family to the Community

– In and Against Colonialism: Education as the site of Emancipation and Control

These panels will be accompanied by a plenary by Dr Hannah Dawson (King’s College London): Feminism and Education.

For further information including the full program visit:

To register visit:

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Intellectual History Review Announcement

The ISIH has recently announced a new special issue of Intellectual History Review, Women and Radical Thought in the Early Modern Period, edited by Sabrina Ebbersmeyer & Gianni Paganini. A further announcement from the ISIH President, Sarah Hutton, is supplied below.

“With this Special Issue of Intellectual History Review, James Lancaster takes over from Stephen Gaukroger as Special Issues editor of the journal. Stephen has had a long association with ISIH: after serving as a long-standing member of the executive committee, he succeeded the Society’s founder, Constance Blackwell, as President in 2003. Together with Stephen Clucas he was one of the founding editors of Intellectual History Review when it was established in 2007, replacing Constance Blackwell’s Intellectual News. Not only did he help to establish the journal, but, with Stephen Clucas, helped to make a leading journal in the field. On behalf of ISIH, I would like to thank Stephen for his signal contribution both to the journal and also to the society. I am glad to announce that he will continue his association with ISIH as a member of the Advisory Board.” – President Sarah Hutton

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CFP: Judaism, Zionism, and Scepticism in the Scholarship of Richard H. Popkin

21–23 June 2021, Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (MCAS), Hamburg

The conference committee invites four early career researchers (PhD candidates and postdocs) to participate in a round-table discussion at the conference by giving a 20-minute lecture on one of the topics described below. All lectures should be based on current or future research projects.

Richard Popkin’s scholarly interest in Judaism appears relatively late in his academic career, following what he described as an “overpowering religious experience” that took place in 1956. His contributions to Jewish history are prevalently focused on the role of Marrano thinkers in early modern scepticism and in Christian messianism and millenarianism. Therefore, recent scholarship on Jewish scepticism has rightly stressed that Popkin’s multifarious oeuvre lacks any serious consideration of a specifically Jewish current within the sceptical tradition, which is independent from the converso encounter with classical philosophy and Christian theology.

However, in his correspondence and autobiographical writings, Popkin did acknowledge the importance of his Jewish identity in shaping his intellectual interests and directing his research on scepticism. In view of the forthcoming publication of Popkin’s correspondence with Judah Goldin, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, Jeremy Popkin, and Asher Salah, this conference aims to further our understanding of how Popkin’s strong commitment to Judaism affected his perception of Jewish history and Jewish philosophy.

PhD candidates or postdocs who wish to present papers are requested to submit a 200-word abstract and a CV to by 28 February 2021.

For more information, click here.

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Book Announcement: Early Modern Prophecies in Transnational, National and Regional Contexts

Newly published in Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History is the 3-volume Early Modern Prophecies in Transnational, National and Regional Contexts, edited by Lionel Laborie and Ariel Hessayon.

In this important collection of primary sources, Lionel Laborie and Ariel Hessayon bring together a huge range of vital sources for the study of prophecy in the early modern world. This meticulously edited 3-volume set includes rare material and fascinating manuscripts published in English for the first time. Volumes are organised geographically, each with its own introduction by a world-renowned expert. Together with their respective contributors, they show how prophecies circulated widely throughout this period at all levels of society. Indeed, they often emerged in times of crisis and were delivered as warnings as well as signals of hope. Moreover, they were constantly adapted and translated to suit ever changing contexts – including those for which they had not been originally intended.

Click here for more information.

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New Special Issue of Intellectual History Review: Women and Radical Thought in the Early Modern Period

The ISIH is excited to announce a new special issue, Women and Radical Thought in the Early Modern Period, edited by Sabrina Ebbersmeyer & Gianni Paganini.

The special issue features an introduction and ten stellar articles on topics like “Sexual desire, gender equality and radical free-thinking” in the Theophrastus redivivus; “Mary Astell’s radical criticism of gender inequality”; “Émile Du Châtelet and her Examens de la Bible”; and “Radicalism, religion and Mary Wollstonecraft”.

Click here to read the articles.

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CFP: Emergency in the History of Political Thought

This conference will explore how thinkers throughout history have considered emergencies and their political implications. We invite submissions from graduate researchers in intellectual history or related disciplines, drawing from different periods and places. Proposals for panels and papers may wish to consider the following themes:

  • Conceptual histories of emergency
  • States of emergency and states of exception
  • Historical narratives of emergency
  • The temporality of emergency
  • Environmental, climate, and health emergencies
  • Historical perspectives on the Anthropocene
  • Emergency as context in the history of ideas
  • Emergency as a methodological consideration

To apply, please email a C.V. along with your proposal to Abstracts should be no more than 500 words for papers of 20 minutes in length. Panel proposals should include the titles of individual papers and not exceed 1500 words in total. As this is a graduate conference, please note that we can only consider proposals from applicants who have not been awarded a doctorate.

The conference will most likely follow a hybrid format. While we hope to conduct some aspects in person, speakers will still be able to present virtually. Please let us know whether you would like to present in person, circumstances permitting, or online, and which timezone you are based in.

The call for papers will close on 26 March 2021 at 23:59 GMT. Successful applicants will be notified no later than 28 April 2021.

For the full Call for Papers, click here.

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Charles Schmitt Prize 2020

The deadline for the Charles Schmitt Prize 2020, which accepts submissions in any area of intellectual history from PhD students and ECRs (two years post-PhD), is 31 January 2021.

The paper should be forwarded as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format to and The e-mail itself should state that the paper is being entered for the prize, and should confirm eligibility at the time of submission, as well as availability of the paper for publication.

An announcement of the winner will be made by late April 2021.

For more information, click here.

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