CFP: Judaism, Zionism, and Scepticism in the Scholarship of Richard H. Popkin

21–23 June 2021, Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (MCAS), Hamburg

The conference committee invites four early career researchers (PhD candidates and postdocs) to participate in a round-table discussion at the conference by giving a 20-minute lecture on one of the topics described below. All lectures should be based on current or future research projects.

Richard Popkin’s scholarly interest in Judaism appears relatively late in his academic career, following what he described as an “overpowering religious experience” that took place in 1956. His contributions to Jewish history are prevalently focused on the role of Marrano thinkers in early modern scepticism and in Christian messianism and millenarianism. Therefore, recent scholarship on Jewish scepticism has rightly stressed that Popkin’s multifarious oeuvre lacks any serious consideration of a specifically Jewish current within the sceptical tradition, which is independent from the converso encounter with classical philosophy and Christian theology.

However, in his correspondence and autobiographical writings, Popkin did acknowledge the importance of his Jewish identity in shaping his intellectual interests and directing his research on scepticism. In view of the forthcoming publication of Popkin’s correspondence with Judah Goldin, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, Jeremy Popkin, and Asher Salah, this conference aims to further our understanding of how Popkin’s strong commitment to Judaism affected his perception of Jewish history and Jewish philosophy.

PhD candidates or postdocs who wish to present papers are requested to submit a 200-word abstract and a CV to by 28 February 2021.

For more information, click here.

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