Call for Expressions of Interest – 2022 ISIH Online Events for Early Career Researchers

The International Society for Intellectual History is inviting expressions of interest from early career researchers who would like to organise an online event for ECRs with ISIH in 2022.

Possible formats include but are not limited to workshops and seminar series, with a topic that would engage intellectual historians from a broad range of backgrounds. ISIH provides practical support and a platform where ECRs can meet with senior scholars as well as each other to discuss work-in-progress in a constructive atmosphere.

Interested parties (which could be teams as well as individuals) are invited to contact the ISIH Early Career Representative Elias Buchetmann at

Last year these events included Coerced Labour in the Early Modern World (1500-1800): Definitions, Justifications and Resistances, organised by Giovanni Lista; New Work in Intellectual History: A Project Development Workshop Series, organised by Shiru Lim; and Women in Intellectual History, organised by Elias Buchetmann.

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