CFP: Islamophobia and Surveillance: Genealogies of a Global Order

CFP: Islamophobia and Surveillance: Genealogies of a Global Order

25 September 2015, Edge Hill University

The global order of State and inter-State surveillance has become an integral feature of contemporary human life. For a typical individual inhabiting State-controlled spaces, the apparatus of monitoring is inescapable— embedded in technologies and legal frameworks of movement, communication, and capital. Beyond these mechanisms and tools, States are enlisting an ever expanding circle of human agents of surveillance— both willing and unwilling— in education; communal organisations; commerce.

The structures and philosophy of surveillance are interwoven with those of State incarceration and killing—from extra-judicial killing to war. This triangle is not just a part of any so-called ‘War on Terror’; it cannot be reduced to the Drone icon or processes such as ‘extraordinary rendition’. Rather, the surveillance/control triangle is an integral and defining aspect of today’s State and global inter-State system.

Islamophobia did not invent State surveillance; nor is surveillance confined to the Islamic enemy. Nonetheless, the extent and shape of today’s surveillance order derives in large part from fear of Muslims and Islam. This symposium is concerned with the genealogies of this relationship in political thought and praxis. Why, when, and where did the Islamophobic surveillance imperative emerge? And how did it evolve into such a powerful element in apparatuses of global and local State power?

Scholars such as Arun Kundnani and Martin Thomas have examined aspects of the story of State surveillance and Islamophobia. But little attention has been devoted to uncovering the intellectual origins of this phenomenon in its full global and historical dimensions, which, arguably, cannot be limited to the recent past. ‘Islamophobia and Surveillance’ aims to remedy this neglect and start a new debate on this pressing issue.

The symposium will consist of ten papers, and it is intended that they will be the basis of a journal special-issue. Upon the finalisation of the programme, a full proposal will be submitted to Ethnic and Racial Studies. Papers will be submitted and shared among participants prior to the meeting.

The keynote lecture will be given by Gil Anidjar, Professor in the Departments of Religion and Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies at Columbia University, and author of Blood: A Critique of Christianity (Columbia, 2014); Semites: Race, Religion, Literature (Stanford, 2008); The Jew, the Arab: A History of the Enemy (Stanford, 2003); and, ‘Our Place in al-Andalus’: Kabbalah, Philosophy, Literature in Arab Jewish Letters (Stanford, 2002).

Proposals that engage with one or more of the following issues will be particularly welcome:

  • Medieval Christianity, notions of self, and the Islamic challenge
  • Religious thought and the Enlightenment
  • Race-thinking and the Western State
  • European imperial and colonial practices of surveillance in Islamic lands
  • International surveillance collaboration
  • Islamophobic surveillance in Asian States, including Islamic lands
  • International institutions of power, such as the League of Nations, United Nations, NATO, the European Union
  • The Cold War and its legacies
  • Comparative studies with other moments in the history of State surveillance

Please submit abstracts of up to 300 words and a brief biography to Dr James Renton (Edge Hill University) by 30 June 2015.

For further information, please see the conference website.


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