CFP: Montaigne in Early Modern England and Scotland
6-7 November 2015, Durham University
The Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (IMEMS) at Durham University invites proposals for 20-minute papers on any aspect of the reception of Montaigne’s Essais in England and the larger Anglophone world, including Ireland, Scotland, and North America, during the first two hundred years following their initial publication in French. Any approach to the study of Montaigne’s influence is welcome, including literary criticism, philosophy, theology, psychology, history of science, and history of the book. Authors to consider range from Bacon and Hobbes up to Locke and Hume, and include literary figures, as well, such as Florio, Cornwallis, Daniel, Shakespeare, Jonson, Burton, Browne, Dryden, Johnson, Pope, Swift, and Sterne. Early career academics and postgraduates are encouraged to apply, as well as more established scholars.
Confirmed speakers: Warren Boutcher (Queen Mary), Will Hamlin (Washington State), Katie Murphy (Oxford), John O’Brien (Durham), Richard Scholar (Oxford), David Louis Sedley (Haverford).
For consideration, please send an abstract of no more than 200 words and a one-page CV to no later than 1 August 2015.
For further information, please see the conference poster.