CFP: Religion in the Scottish Enlightenment

CSSP Spring Workshop: Religion in the Scottish Enlightenment

14–16 March 2014, Princeton Theological Seminary

A common perception of the Enlightenment holds that it played a key intellectual role in initiating a decline in religious belief and adherence across Europe, and Hume’s Dialogues concerning Natural Religion are widely regarded as a seminal text in this connection. Yet Hume was in a minority. Many of the leaders of the Scottish Enlightenment were Christian ministers, and their explorations in philosophy and the ‘science of human nature’ were intended to advance ‘true religion’, a concept that Hume himself employs.

The purpose of this conference is to explore historically and critically the relation between ‘science’ and ‘religion’ in the Scottish Enlightenment, both in general and in relation to the writings of major figures of the period – Hume, Reid, Smith, Ferguson, Kames and Campbell, for example. Its further aim is to relate these issues to contemporary explorations in the philosophical psychology of religion.

Plenary Speakers include: Justin Barrett (Fuller Theological Seminary), Ryan Patrick Hanley (Marquette University), and Ryan Nichols (UC, Fullerton).

Paper proposals for concurrent sessions are invited. Abstracts of not more than 500 words should be sent to CSSP by 1 November 2013. Decisions will be advised by 1 December 2013.

For more information, please see the workshop website.


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