The Light Year Public Lecture Series

The Light Year Public Lecture Series

In 2013-14 under the auspices of the Institute of Advanced Study, visiting Fellows and Durham researchers are exploring the theme of Light. In addition to a public lectures series delivered by its IAS Fellows, the IAS organises a public lecture series connecting the Institute’s thematic interest, aiming to deliver an exciting and stimulating series drawing not only a wide range of speakers and researchers to Durham to engage in dialogue exploring and addressing the IAS theme, but also connecting with the wider public allowing engagement with the work and ideas emerging from the IAS and its speakers.

This year’s IAS series is entitled The Light Year and will offer insights into light from many perspectives; from the role light has played since the formation of the universe and its cosmology to cultural and social changes effected by the development of light.

  • Professor Stephen Gaukroger, University of Sydney: Vision and Understanding in the Early Modern Era: How Representation Became a Problem (07 October 2013, 6.15pm, Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre).
  • Professor Sir Arnold Wolfendale, FRS, Durham University: Gamma Rays: the End of the Rainbow, and Beyond (21 October 2013, 6.15pm, Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre).
  • Professor Tom McLeish, FRS, Durham University: The Science -Theology of why Light Matters: from Medieval to Modern (18 November 2013, 6.15pm, Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre).
  • Professor Carlos Frenk, Durham University: From Darkness to Light: Everything from Nothing (25 November 2013, 6.15pm, Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre).
  • Dr Philip Ball: Invisibility: a Cultural History (17 February 2014, 6.15pm, Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre).
  • Professor Sven Dupré , Freie Universität Berlin: Understanding Celestial Light through Precious Stones: From the Jeweller”s Culture of Optics to Natural Philosophy (24 February 2014, 6.15pm, Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre).
  • Mr Malcolm Nicholson, Trinity House: The Light from Lighthouses: Past, Present and Future (10 March 2014, 6.15pm, Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre).
  • Professor Ernest Freeberg, University of Tennessee: The Light Bulb’s Many Inventors: Creating a Culture of Artificial Light, 1870 to 1920 (17 March 2014, 6.15pm, Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre).

The venue for this series is the Calman Learning Centre. Directions can be located at here. Alternatively on the University map, the CLC is denoted at building number: 43. These public lectures are free to attend and open to all. For further information please contact the Institute of Advanced Study.

For more information, see the lecture series webpage.



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