Category Archives: Conferences and Workshops

Rethinking Lessing’s ‘Limits’: Approaches to the Laokoon on its 250th Anniversary (1766-2016)

Rethinking Lessing’s ‘Limits’: Approaches to the Laokoon on its 250th Anniversary (1766-2016) 8-10 April 2015, Göttingen und Wolfenbüttel This interdisciplinary workshop takes its cue from the 250th anniversary of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s Laokoon, oder über die Grenzen der Mahlerey und Poesie (‘Laokoon, or on the boundaries of painting and poetry’), first published in 1766. Lessing’s essay is […]

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Conference: Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society

Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society: A Postgraduate Conference 20 June 2015, Middlesex University We invite postgraduate students and research fellows to submit proposals for papers on psychoanalysis or psychoanalytically informed research. Papers may be from any academic discipline, including psychology, sociology, cultural studies, psychosocial studies, history, literature, art, religious studies or philosophy. We also welcome proposals on […]

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CFP: Religion and Irreligion in the History of Political Thought

CFP: Religion and Irreligion in the History of Political Thought 25 May 2015, University of Cambridge Paper proposals are invited for the eighth annual Cambridge Graduate Conference in Political Thought and Intellectual History, entitled ‘Religion and Irreligion in the History of Political Thought’, including keynote by Prof. Cecile Laborde (UCL). From the ancient world to […]

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Oxford Political Thought Conference

Oxford Political Thought Conference 8-10 January 2015, University of Oxford The Political Thought Conference of the Britain and Ireland Association for Political Thought will take between 8-10 January, 2015 at St Catherine’s College, Oxford. Speakers at this year’s conference will be presenting on range of issues such as English debates on the nature of treason, and […]

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Colloquium: Magic and Intellectual History

Colloquium: Magic and Intellectual History 5 March 2015, University of York This symposium will explore the place of magic in the intellectual culture of early modern England and Europe. It will focus on how magic was perceived and understood in philosophical, religious and scientific thought, and the ambivalence that surrounded it as topics of scholarship. […]

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Workshop: Plato and the British idealists

Plato and the British idealists 7 December 2014, National Humanities Research Centre If you are in North Carolina at 7pm on Sunday 7 December, you might wish to attend the following event at the National Humanities Research Center. Professor Colin Tyler (Wake Forest, & Hull) on ‘Forms, Dialectics and the Healthy Community: Recovering the British idealists’ […]

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CFP: Conversations on Intellectual Historiography

Conversations on Intellectual Historiography – In Honor of Constance Blackwell 17 December 2014, The Warburg Institute Speakers include: Peter Mack (University of Warwick); Letizia Panizza (Royal Holloway, University of London), ‘The Text in Time: Three Varying Interpretations of Lorenzo Valla’s Diatribe against the Donation of Constantine’; Marta Fattori (University of Rome), ‘The “New Philosophy” condemned by the […]

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CFP: Biographies of Concepts in the Human and Social Sciences

CFP: Biographies of Concepts in the Human and Social Sciences 19-20 March 2015, University of California, Berkeley In this workshop, we want to bring together scholars who have studied concepts and notions in the human and social sciences. The focus will be on the emergence, migration, dissemination, and disappearance of concepts, ultimately aiming at a theory […]

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HENRY MORE (1614-1687): A Conference to Mark the Fourth Centenary of his Birth

HENRY MORE (1614-1687): A Conference to Mark the Fourth Centenary of his Birth 5 December 2014, The Warburg Institute Despite being one of the most important thinkers in seventeenth-century British philosophy, Henry More has been denied the status of proper philosopher that his contemporaries Hobbes and Locke have long enjoyed. More’s work deserves to be […]

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Conference: Intellectual History. Traditions and Perspectives

Intellectual History. Traditions and Perspectives 17-19 November 2014, Ruhr Universität Bochum Historians currently working in the field of intellectual history can take pleasure in the increasing acceptance of this discipline. There have been increasing indications of its renewal and re-evaluation, especially in Germany, since the last decade so that one might say that intellectual history […]

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