Category Archives: Conferences and Workshops

Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Course: ReIReS School in Paris

Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Course: ReIReS School in Paris 17-22 February 2019, École Pratique des Hautes Études The École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) in Paris is pleased to announce the ReIReS School 17-22 February 2019 on the use and study of special documents. Especially – but not only – PhD students and postdocs are welcome, both […]

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Workshop: First ReIReS Digital Humanities Course in Mainz

Workshop: First ReIReS Digital Humanities Course 21-23 January 2019, Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz The First ReIReS Digital Humanities Course is organized by the Leibniz Institute of European History and will be held in Mainz, January 21-23, 2019. Young scholars, librarians and others affiliated to ReIReS partners and institutions outside the consortium are welcome […]

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Conference: Vegetative Powers: Endowing Bodily Life from the Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period

Conference: Vegetative Powers: Endowing Bodily Life from the Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period 12-13 September 2018, Università di Padova The conference aims at analysing the various attempts to deal with the bodily activities traditionally attributed to vegetative powers—nutrition, generation, sleep, and metabolism—that served for the understanding and definition of life. Vegetative powers are a key […]

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Conference: Ideas of Poverty in the Age of Enlightenment

Conference: Ideas of Poverty in the Age of Enlightenment 5–6 September 2018, King’s College London Although the Age of Enlightenment saw the development of radically new approaches to comprehending and reforming society and politics, our current understanding is that the existence of poverty was rarely problematized by eighteenth-century thinkers, writers and officials – notwithstanding that […]

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Conference: Erudition, Antiquity, and The Enlightenment in Rome, c.1600-c.1800

Conference: Erudition, Antiquity, and The Enlightenment in Rome, c.1600-c.1800 7 June 2018, St John’s College, Cambridge The principal objective of the conference is to examine the connections between erudition, antiquity, and the Enlightenment in early-modern Rome. It takes place at a propitious moment, as a series of notable recent studies have shown how erudition informed many […]

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Conference: The History of Political Thought in the Age of Ideologies, 1789-1989

Conference: The History of Political Thought in the Age of Ideologies, 1789-1989 31 May-1 June 2018, Queen Mary University of London Historians of political ideas since the late 1960s have advocated focussing on authorial intentions instead of tracing the progress of “unit ideas” or the transmission of disembodied concepts. Yet historical practice has not always […]

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Conference: Locating the Ancient World in Early Modern Subversive Thought

Conference: Locating the Ancient World in Early Modern Subversive Thought 12-14 April 2018, Newcastle University The aim of this conference at Newcastle University is to expand on this revived appreciation of the classical influence in early modernity by looking specifically at the role played by the ancient world in that sphere from which it has most […]

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Conference: Exploring Entangled Histories: Britain and Europe in the Age of the Thirty Years’ War, c.1590-1650

Conference: Exploring Entangled Histories: Britain and Europe in the Age of the Thirty Years’ War, c.1590-1650 12-14 April 2018, Folger Library All are welcome to attend the “Exploring Entangled Histories: Britain and Europe in the Age of the Thirty Years’ War, c.1590-1650” conference, but you must pre-register for the event by completing the form below. […]

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CfP: The Pursuit of Legitimacy. Power and its Manifestations in Political History

CfP: The Pursuit of Legitimacy. Power and its Manifestations in Political History (4th Workshop for PhD Candidates in Political History) 25 -26 October 2018, Leiden University Some political questions are never to be solved. The question of legitimacy is one of these issues that keep pressing themselves on history. How the wielding of political power is […]

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Conference: Re-inventing Liberal Universalisms

Conference: Re-inventing Liberal Universalisms 26-27 February 2018, University of Greifswald Liberalism, even when considered as a manifold and plural political ideology, is still widely regarded as having universal reach in its concepts and arguments. “Universal” here refers to the interweaving of abstract terms assuring continuity throughout fluctuating political agendas. Due to the important role of rationality […]

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