Category Archives: Conferences and Workshops

4th Postgraduate Workshop on the History of Alchemy and Chemistry

Call for Registration: Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry’s 4th Postgraduate Workshop on the History of Alchemy and Chemistry: ‘Alchemy and Chemistry in Context’ 26 October 2013, Birkbeck College Every year the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) runs an international workshop for graduate students and early career scholars working on the history […]

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Conference: Schopenhauer, Love and Compassion

Schopenhauer, Love and Compassion 17-18 October 2013, Ghent University, Belgium Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) offers a stunningly original and highly complex account of love. What we call romantic love, Schopenhauer sees as propelled by our sexual drives and interests, which are manifestations of the will-to-life of the human species. The real purpose of romantic love is ultimately biological: to produce and […]

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Isaac Newton’s General Scholium to the Principia: science, religion and metaphysics

Isaac Newton’s General Scholium to the Principia: science, religion and metaphysics 24-26 October 2013, University of King’s College, Halifax Plenary lecture: Professor Andrew Janiak (Duke University): “Isaac Newton, philosopher” This international, interdisciplinary symposium will bring together a contingent of leading historians and philosophers of science for a systematic examination of the ideas and legacies of the General Scholium to the […]

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CFP: Beyond the Victorian and Modernist Divide

CFP: Beyond the Victorian and Modernist Divide 27-28 March 2014, Maison de l’Université, Université de Rouen – University of France Keynote speakers: Professor Michael Bentley (University of St. Andrews) and Professor Melba Cuddy-Keane (University of Toronto) Ezra Pound’s injunction to “make it new!” or Virginia Woolf’s “on or about 1910” statement have long been used in order no support a […]

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Platonism after Plato in the Renaissance

Platonism after Plato in the Renaissance 7-8 November 2013, The Warburg Institute, London The conference will focus on the early modern reception of Plotinus and the post-Plotinian Platonists. Among the topics which will be discussed are: Marsilio Ficino’s translation of and commentary on the Enneads and his translation of works by Porphyry, Iamblichus and Proclus; the different […]

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Winter School: Modes of Technoscientific Knowledge

Winter School: Modes of Technoscientific Knowledge 19-25 January 2014, Chalet Giersch, Manigod, France Following the “practical turn” in history of science and science studies in the late decades of the 20th century, a “thing turn” has occurred in the philosophy of science and technology. Epistemology scholars are more and more concerned with “thing knowledge” rather than with theoretical representations (Baird 2004). The […]

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Workshop: Art and Knowledge in Pre-Modern Europe

Workshop: Art and Knowledge in Pre-Modern Europe 20-21 September 2013, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science This workshop takes colour practices, cutting across the categories of art, craft, science and technology, as its central category of analysis. The contributions deal with a diversity of practices, ranging from painting, limning and colour printing to […]

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Place/s of Thinking: On the Claims of Inter “Cultural” Philosophy

Place/s of Thinking: On the Claims of Inter “Cultural” Philosophy 26-28 September 2013, University of Vienna Thinking happens at/in a place. Obviously, there always needs to be a site or a point of view where thinking occurs—a place at which a thought manifests, arrives, changes itself and proceeds along in new ways. At first, this statement sounds trivial and obvious. […]

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Artistic Experimentations for a New Society: Continuities and Ruptures in Japan before and after the War

Workshop: Artistic Experimentations for a New Society: Continuities and Ruptures in Japan before and after the War 23 September 2013, Ghent University The Experimental Workshop (Jikken Kōbō, active 1951-ca.1957) was an artistic group which anticipated the post-war Japan avant-garde movement. The numerous “experimentations” they conducted for the post-war new society qualify them as forerunners even outside […]

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Double Colloquium: Plato & the Power of Images

Double Colloquium: Plato & the Power of Images 11-12 October 2013, Bryn Mawr & 13-14 February 2014, Louvain In conjunction with the Tri-College Working Group in Ancient Philosophy, Radcliffe Edmonds from Bryn Mawr College and Pierre Destrée of Université Catholique de Louvain are arranging a joint-conference, to be titled: “Plato and the Power of Images”, in order to focus on […]

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