Category Archives: Calls for Papers

CfP: Debt in History

CfP: Debt in History 18-19 May 2018, University of Toronto At a Q&A that followed a Toronto screening of Little Men (2016), a film about two families’ battle over a lease and its impact on the lives of its central protagonists, director Ira Sachs reflected on the modern-day struggle of many families to remain in […]

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CfP: Early Modern Civil Religion Workshop

CfP: Early Modern Civil Religion Workshop 14 September 2017, Newcastle University Recent scholarship has reintegrated the religious perspective into how the intellectual culture of the early modern period, particularly in the political sphere, can be understood. This has opened up new avenues of enquiry for those working on the role of scholarship (biblical, patristic, and […]

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CfP: Global Histories: A Student Journal

CfP: Global Histories: A Student Journal Submissions Due: 10 July 2017 Our successful sister project Global History Student Conference 2017 acts as the point of departure for this issue, showcasing how global history is conceptualized and realized in different cultural contexts around the world. Therefore, we encourage submissions of any historical or interdisciplinary research related […]

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CfP: Paradigms of Change in Modernising Asia and America

CfP: Paradigms of Change in Modernising Asia and America 13-14 October 2017, Ghent University and KU Leuven Between the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century, the terminology of change belonging to the European intellectual tradition—composed of terms that constitute milestones in the historiographical account of societal, historical and political development such […]

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CfP: Rewrite Conflicts: The Role of Losers, Heretics, and Outsiders in the History of Medicine

CfP: Rewrite Conflicts: The Role of Losers, Heretics, and Outsiders in the History of Medicine Invited editor: Fabrizio Baldassarri A multifaceted narration characterizes the contrapositions between schools, factions, theories, and practices in the history of medicine. Yet, studying these conflicts helps to shed light on those actors traditional historiographies usually relegate to secondary roles: surgeons, […]

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CfP: Eighth Annual RefoRC Conference 2018

CfP: Eighth Annual RefoRC Conference 2018 24-26 May 2018, University of Warsaw The Reformation was closely tied to the renovation of educational models from its very beginning. By questioning the model of the medieval university and establishing new pedagogical solutions, early modern scholars and teachers shaped subsequent generations of clergy and laity, enabling them to work […]

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CfP: Inclusion and Exclusion in the History of Ideas

CfP: Inclusion and Exclusion in the History of Ideas 14-15 December 2017, Helsinki Centre for Intellectual History The Helsinki Centre for Intellectual History invites paper and panel proposals for its first international conference, which will take place 14-15 December 2017. Papers and panels should address intellectual history, broadly speaking, and relate to the general conference theme […]

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CfP: Natures and Spaces of Enlightenment

CfP: Natures and Spaces of Enlightenment (The David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies XVI) 13-15 December 2017, Griffith University and the University of Queensland A preoccupation with the idea and use of ‘nature’ was an important characteristic of the Enlightenment. Long considered a pivotal moment in the development of modernity, the Enlightenment is now […]

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CfP: Histories of Anthropology: Transforming Knowledge and Power (1870-1970)

CfP: Histories of Anthropology: Transforming Knowledge and Power (1870-1970) 18-19 September 2017 “Histories of Anthropology: Transforming Knowledge and Power (1870-1970)” will be held at the University of Cambridge on 18-19 September 2017. The conference committee is currently accepting abstracts (max. 300 words) until 20 May 2017. The remit for the conference is broad and covers […]

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CfP: Political Philosophy and its History: Leo Strauss and Beyond

CfP: Political Philosophy and its History: Leo Strauss and Beyond 6-7 December 2017, KU Leuven Leo Strauss is widely considered one of the most influential and controversial thinkers of 20th century. He is best known for providing insightful and challenging studies of several canonical thinkers in the history of political philosophy (Plato, Aristotle Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, […]

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