Category Archives: Society Updates

Charles Schmitt Prize 2020

The deadline for the Charles Schmitt Prize 2020, which accepts submissions in any area of intellectual history from PhD students and ECRs (two years post-PhD), is 31 January 2021. The paper should be forwarded as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format to and The e-mail itself should state that the paper is being entered for the […]

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President’s Report 2020

Prof. Sarah Hutton, President of the ISIH This report is being circulated to members of the International Society for Intellectual History in lieu of the ISIH annual general meeting, in accordance with provisions in the ISIH constitution. The first item to report is that I have assumed the presidency of the society, after Michael Hunter […]

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Charles Schmitt Prize 2020

As the result of generous donations from an anonymous donor and our publisher (Routledge), the International Society for Intellectual History is offering, on an annual basis, a prize to honour the contribution of Charles B. Schmitt (1933-1986) to intellectual history. The prize is £250, plus £100 worth of Routledge books, and a year’s free membership of the ISIH with a subscription to the Society’s […]

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Thomas Ahnert appointed editor of Intellectual History Review

We are delighted to announce that Thomas Ahnert has been appointed editor of Intellectual History Review, in place of Stephen Clucas, who was one of the founding editors of the journal.  Sarah Hutton, President of the ISIH, says, “On behalf of ISIH I would like to thank Stephen for his work on the journal. He has played a key […]

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Sarah Hutton elected as President of the ISIH

The International Society for Intellectual History (ISIH) is delighted to announce the appointment of Sarah Hutton as its next President. She takes up the office as successor to Professor Michael Hunter, who served as President of the ISIH since October 2014.  Sarah Hutton is Honorary Visiting Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University […]

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By Professor Mark Goldie Justin Champion, a leading scholar of the intellectual history of early modern Britain, died on 10 June, after facing six years of brain cancer with astonishing resilience. His historical avocations were varied. Early in his career he published on epidemics in London. He was a regular broadcaster on TV and radio, […]

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2019 Charles Schmitt Prize Winner

2019 Charles Schmitt Prize Winner We are delighted to announce that the winner of the Charles Schmitt prize for 2019 is Jon Cooper of Stanford University, for his essay, ‘A Science of Concord: The Politics of Commercial Knowledge in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Britain’. The winning essay was recently published in Intellectual History Review. The quality of top […]

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New ISIH Facebook Group

New ISIH Facebook Group The International Society for Intellectual History (ISIH) has created a new Facebook Group, and will be phasing out the old Facebook page in the next three weeks. This is to allow the Society to take advantage of the new tools available through the Facebook Groups platform. To continue receiving announcement from […]

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Constance Blackwell (1934-2018)

It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Constance Blackwell on 29 March 2018. Constance’s enthusiasm for the study of early modern philosophy (especially the late scholastic writers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries) was undiminished right up to the moment of her final illness. Constance played a key role […]

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The 7th London Summer School in Intellectual History

The 7th London Summer School in Intellectual History 4-7 September 2018, Queen Mary University of London The London Summer School in Intellectual History is a rare opportunity for graduate students to acquire further training in the discipline and its different methodologies, as well as to meet a great number of academics and graduate students working […]

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